Learning About Coronary Heart Disease

Learning About Coronary Heart Disease

Heart disease is a very broad term and can be linked with many other diseases. Most commonly it is associated to coronary heart disease which is a disorder that causes the small blood vesicles to narrow. When these blood vesicles narrow it causes a restriction of the blood supply and oxygen that is sent to this vital organ. If this vital organ does not get enough blood and oxygen it will ultimately quit working properly. There are multiple symptoms, risk factors and tests for this type of disease. Many precautions can be taken to prevent it, however, if diagnosed there are also multiple treatments. This article will briefly outline this type of illness.

Some of the signs and symptoms of it are shortness of breath, extreme fatigue and chest pain or discomfort. Chest pain is the most common sign and it this type of chest pain can vary among many people. Some people have reported that it feels as if someone is squeezing their heart. Others only notice the pain when performing physical activity. Chest pain can come in multiple forms and is commonly misdiagnosed.

There are multiple risk factors associated with it. Among these are age, heredity, diabetes and high blood pressure. It is most common in men over the age of forty. It can also be passed down through generations. Diabetes and high blood pressure are causes but with proper medication they may not pose as high of a threat. Other risk factors are obesity, stress and alcohol abuse.

Multiple tests can be run to detect if you are at risk. The more common tests are electrocardiogram, stress test, nuclear scan or an echocardiogram. An electron-beam computed tomography or a coronary angiography can also be used. An electron-beam computed tomography is used to find a buildup of calcium in the arteries. The coronary angiography takes an x-ray of the heart to evaluate the arteries. All of these procedures can detect problems with your vital organ. Most doctors will use a combination of these tests to get the most accurate and up-to-date diagnosis.

Many precautions can be taken to keep you healthy. Getting the correct amount of daily exercise and eating a heart healthy diet are two of the most common precautions. Simply adding physical activity to your daily routine can significantly improve your chances. Eating a more balanced diet will keep your body functioning at optimal performance. Other precautions include controlling stress levels, not smoking and keeping your blood sugar under control. When these precautions are used it can be prevented.

The treatments may vary depending on the physician. In some circumstances all that is needed is daily exercise and a healthy diet plan. Other times doctors may prescribe medicine or even recommend various procedures. You should know it is treatable and does not always have to be fatal. It can cause some complications such as a heart attack, sudden death or heart failure. It is recommended that a doctor is contacted if you have any of the risk factors or symptoms so that prevention and procedures can be discussed.

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