How to Easily Recover from Open Heart Surgery

How to Easily Recover from Open Heart Surgery

Heart surgery or cardiac surgery is simply surgery that is performed on the heart and the great vessels around the heart. It one of the treatment options that doctors recommend for ischemic heart disease (reduced blood flow to the heart), congenital heart defects (those defects present at birth), or valvular heart disease (defects of the heart valves). It is also involved in heart transplantation.

There are two main types of cardiac surgery: open heart surgery and beating-heart surgery. In the case of open heart surgery, the chest cavity itself is opened up so that the heart can be accessed directly. A third type, robotic surgery, involves a minimal incision and is becoming more common.

Due to great advances in cardiac surgery technology and techniques, the survival rate is 97% to 98%. However, there are some risks, including stroke, which occurs in 2% to 3% of cardiac surgery patients.

Another not-uncommon risk of surgery is something called postperfusion syndrome (a.k.a. pumphead). The symptoms of this syndrome are neurological in nature and can include subtle effects related to attention, concentration, short term memory and motor function. The good news is that these effects are not permanent and go away with time.

Essential Tips to Recover from Heart Surgery-:

While the general recovery period for this type of surgery is 6 to 8 weeks, your recovery period will depend in part upon how you take care of yourself after surgery. Tips for returning to work faster include:

  1. Increase your physical activity levels (including sex) little by little
  2. Avoid lifting heavy objects, such as those over twenty pounds
  3. Do not hold your arms above your shoulders or head for more than 20 seconds or so
  4. Take moderate walks every day under expert guidance.
  5. It is recommended that to get a good night’s sleep after heart surgery.
  6. Avoid excessive napping during the day just to make up for a poor night’s sleep.
  7. Take care during bathing, it is okay to allow the incision to get wet, but avoid prolonged submersion or direct contact with the jet spray of a showerhead.

Above are few tips to get easily recovered from open heart surgery. It is also recommended to consult Heart expert to get more tips and advice to get easily recovery after heart surgery.

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