Top 3 Basic Approaches For Promoting Heart Health

Top 3 Basic Approaches For Promoting Heart Health

As we knowns that Heart disease are growing day by day that main reason behind growth in Heart disease is modern lifestyle. In India since year 1990 heart disease got doubled. In this article we will discuss about top 3 basic approaches to promote heart health. Supporting heart health includes a combination of exercise, a heart healthy diet and heart supplements. Each of these three elements plays an important role in promoting heart health and the combination of all three works in synergy for maximum heart health benefits.

1. Daily Exercise for Heart Health

In a research study it has been found that even moderate activity can be beneficial for the heart. According the studies the effect of inactivity on the heart is comparable to that of smoking, raised cholesterol levels and high blood pressure. So living an inactive lifestyle may be as harmful for the heart as like as smoking. Heart specialist recommends that all healthy adults get at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise, five days a week. Such activities can include swimming, jogging, aerobic dancing, yard work, gardening, walking, climbing stairs, or cycling. Aerobic exercises in particular help to stimulate the production of oxygen in the blood and increase heart palpitation. This gives a good workout for the heart and lungs. Anaerobic exercise helps to build muscles. It is advisable to mix your exercise routine with aerobic, anaerobic and stretches.

Heart Health benefits of Exercise:

  • Strengthen the functions of the heart and lungs, as well as other organs in the body.
  • Build strength and endurance
  • Help to increase energy levels
  • Optimize metabolism
  • Release stress and tension accumulated in joints and muscles
  • Increases joint mobility and flexibility
  • Supports healthy circulation of blood to all organs
  • Tones skin health
  • Helps promote regularity of bowel movements
  • Supports immune health

2. Diet that Supports (Heart) Health

There is really no such thing as a heart healthy diet. A balanced diet which is rich in heart health essential nutrition will keep you away from heart disease. What we’re talking about is well-balanced nutrition which is recommended for everyone. The reason Heart Specialists think it’s a heart healthy diet is because of the consequences associated with unhealthy eating which have a direct or indirect influence on heart health. A well balanced diet supports healthy eating habits and overall health, including cardio health.

A balanced diet includes:

  • At least 5 servings a day of fresh fruits and vegetables
  • At least 6 cups a day of grains (preferably whole grains).
  • An adequate intake of 25 to 40 grams of dietary fiber a day
  • Watching your calories to maintain an optimal weight.
  • Limiting your intake of high calories foods, as well foods that contain trans fats, hydrogenated oils, fast foods and fried foods.
  • Eating fatty fish at least twice a week for the omega 3 benefits.
  • Focus on eating nutritional foods, instead of high-calorie foods which have little nutritive value.

3. Heart Supplements

Apart from daily exercise and balanced diet Heart health supplements have equal importance role but not depends upon heart health supplements try to intake essential nutrition in natural form. There are certain nutrients that research shows have a favorable affect on cardio health. Take a look at these nutrients and how they help to support heart functions:

  • Omega 3 fatty acids. In my previous post i have explained importance of Omega 3 fatty acid and fish are very rich source of omega 3 fatty acid. it helps to maintain normal cholesterol levels and keep heart disease away.
  • CoQ10. This vitamin-like substance is concentrated in the heart muscles and provides energy for its functions.
  • Folic acid. This member of the B vitamins helps to support healthy homocysteine levels, needed to arterial health.
  • Phytosterols. Research indicates that phytosterols may play a role in the proper elimination of bad cholesterol from the system, inhibiting its absorption by the body.

A well-formulated cardio supplement like CardioMatrix contains a blend of the above heart-healthy nutrients. Used regularly, they play an active role in supporting cardio health along with a healthy diet and exercise regimen.

In this article i have explained top 3 Basic Approaches For Promoting Heart Health. Please consult your doctor to get more tips on to keep your heart healthy and fit.

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