Most Common Misconceptions About Heart Health

Most Common Misconceptions About Heart Health

Heart disease growing very rapidly as compared to any other disease in India especially in young people. In this article we will discuss most common misconception about heart health in India and we will also know real fact behind it. Ladies have forever been believed to be at a lower hazard of coronary failure than men. While proof recommends this isn’t true, confusions about heart wellbeing for ladies flourish. The following are a couple of normal misinterpretations about ladies and healthy hearts, and reality behind them.

That it’s OK to monitor an elevated cholesterol level rather than actively work to lower it. Insist that your health care professional set a target rate for your cholesterol. Then do your part with diet and exercise to lower your cholesterol levels to that number.

The belief that because the tests that measure heart function, such as an EKG or treadmill, are normal, you don’t have any health issues to worry about. More than one seemingly healthy individual has succumb to a heart attack shortly after testing as healthy in such stress tests, including several well-known fitness advocates and practitioners. These tests only show that your heart is functioning properly at the moment the test is administered.

The misconception that if you’re in good physical shape, you don’t have to worry about heart disease. Although this is generally true in almost all cases, other mitigating factors can affect the health of your heart, even if you are in good physical shape. For example, if you smoke, have diabetes, or suffer from high cholesterol or high blood pressure, you are at a greater risk of heart disease, despite your level of physical fitness.

Fooling yourself that being just a little overweight is OK and not bad for your heart. This is dangerous thinking, and the physical evidence is most likely sitting on your waistline right now. The medical evidence shows that even if you have just a little belly fat, or waistline fat, your arteries are already clogged with cholesterol. In other words, the arteries clog up before the belly fat shows. The best thing is to try to burn off that excess fat in the midsection, which in turn will help clear your arteries.

The belief that women more likely to die of breast cancer than of heart disease, so women don’t need to worry as much about heart health as men do. But women do need to worry about the health of their hearts. The reality is that the death rate for heart disease is higher among women than the death rate for breast cancer.

The generally held misguided judgment that the most widely recognized side effect of a cardiovascular failure is chest torment. While this might be valid for men, it isn’t valid for ladies. In excess of 50% of ladies don’t have chest torment going with a cardiovascular failure. Ladies might encounter jaw torment, neck torment, or sickness while having a coronary failure. Thus, numerous ladies themselves or their medical services suppliers don’t understand the real essence of their side effects.

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