5 Super Fruits for Heart Health

5 Super Fruits for Heart Health

It has been found that a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables can improve heart health and helps in reduction in development of heart diseases. Rich fruit and vegetables helps in reverse of heart related problem such as atherosclerosis, high blood pressure and high levels of LDL which is also known as bad cholesterol. There are many fruits and vegetables that are good for Heart Health in this article we will discuss about 5 Super rich fruit that good for heart health.


Pomegranate is best super rich food that is very rich in antioxidants known as Punicalagins and it is very good for Heart Health because it cardio-protective antioxidants. Antioxidant in Pomegranate helps in reduction of inflammatory damage of arteries.  Apart from Antioxidants pomegranate also rich in vitamin C, catechins, isoflavones and anthocyanins and other essential nutrition. While making Pomegranate juice use the only flesh in your juice else rind and skin of Pomegranate will make the juice sour.


In our previous article we have discussed that How Red wine is good for heart health because it contains Resveratrol. The health benefits of eating red and purple grapes that contain resveratrol which helps in reduction of the risk of blood clotting in body, make blood thin and lower down LDL which is also known as bad cholesterol.  Red and Purple grapes Prevent damage of blood vessels in the heart and helps to keep blood pressure at a appropriate range in body. Grapes juice made at home will look cloudy as compared to market juice and that is not the problem because market juice are filtered.


Blueberries is also rich in antioxidant like Pomegranate. Blueberries also contain some amount of resveratrol which found in Red wine, but also contain a newly discovered antioxidant called Pterostilbene.  Blueberries is also rich on Vitamin C. Blueberries helps in to improve the function of blood cells and stop blood clotting in body. It also helpful in lowering down LDL which is also known as bad cholesterol. Blackberries can be low calorie desert alternative.


It has been found in study that eating grapefruit 3 times in day for period of 6 week lower down the blood pressure and decrease the cholesterol level in the body. Grapefruit is very rich in potassium, mineral and antioxidant. The fiber content in grape fruit helps in lower down the blood pressure level.


Kiwi is a fruit that is very rich in Vitamin C and dietary fiber that provide many benefit for heart health, digestive system and helps in to build immunity. Kiwi minimize the risk of strokes and heart disease with its boost of vitamin C and Antioxidant.  An average consumption of 2-3 kiwifruit per day for period of 28 days lowers platelet hyperactivity, plasma lipids, and blood pressure. 

Apart from eating Super Fruit for Heart health proper heart healthy exercise is also very important so eat well and do exercise on daily basis to keep your heart healthy and fit.

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