6 Best Exercises to Improve Heart Health

6 Best Exercises to Improve Heart Health

Exercise is most cost effective way to keep your heart healthy and fit.  Rich or poor everyone can keep their heart healthy and fit with exercise that are beneficial for health. You can improve your Heart fitness with the help of many exercises like running, cycling etc. In this blog post we will discuss few exercises that will keep your heart healthy and fit.

1. Circuit Training

Circuit training is very good for heart health and it is a type of training that does body conditioning, endurance training, resistance training and high-intensity aerobics. In general circuit training is combination of 6 or more exercise. It targets strength building and muscular endurance. Circuit training produce movements that improve our heart health. Sitting still for long duration of time is dangerous for your heart so keep that in mind and add circuit training to your everyday routine. Circuit training pumps the blood a lot harder than usual and it increases the elasticity of the arterial wall of cardiovascular system and improves your heart muscles.

2. Walking

When you talk about heart health, you should never forget the basics and walking is the most basic exercise that everyone can do without much effort. The basic thing to keep the heart healthy is a regular walk especially in morning. Choose a time during the day when you can just walk for half an hour or more than that. The best time for a walk is in the morning but if you not get time in morning you can do it as per your convenient time. Walking have so many benefits that can prevent heart problems. Walking can control high blood pressure and obesity which are major cause for Heart related issue.

3. Swimming

Swimming is one of the best exercise to keep your heart healthy and fit. Your heart and lungs will love swimming because while swimming heart consume oxygen more efficiently which result reduction in resting heart rate and breathing rate. Swimming improves muscle strength and flexibility of arm and legs. Swimming is a great activity for your heart as it improves the circulation of blood and makes it pump better and faster. To get maximum benefits try to learn new swimming technique each day you swim.

4. Weight Training

Another great exercise for the heart is weight training because strength training increases lean muscle mass, it pump blood in your cardiovascular system. It is recommended exercise by health expert for people suffering from cardiac disease. It’s not just amazing for the heart but your bones as well. You can set the weights accordingly to your body’s strength conditioning and add more weight as your muscles get stronger.

5. Running

Running is the best thing you can do to stay in shape and to maintain a healthy and it is very easy to start. Those who run on daily basis their risk for heart disease by 35 to 55 percent. Cardio activities like running and cycling improves heart and blood circulation. Plan you busy day in such a way that you latest get 30 min for running and do not start fast running from day one start slowly with good sport shoes.

6. Push-Ups

Those who does 40 or more push-ups on daily basis had a 96% lower risk of heart disease. Push-ups There are a lot of people who believe that push-ups are beneficial only for the muscles and to build upper body strength, but that is not all the benefits of doing push-ups. Push-ups are equally beneficial for our Heart health. Doing push-ups regularly can increase the supply of blood to the heart and keep your cholesterol level within the limit. You can start with ten to twelve push-ups a day and increase it over time.

There are many exercises that can help your heart healthy and you have no need to join gym you can do many exercises mentioned in this post at home or outdoor.

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