Amazing Heart Health Benefits of Red wine

Amazing Heart Health Benefits of Red wine

Heart disease are increasing day by day due to modern lifestyle because technology making us lay like ordering food online, ordering grocery online etc. there are many ways to keep your heart healthy like daily exercise, balanced and healthy diet and Heart Health supplement apart from these Red wine also have Heart health benefit if it consumed in moderate quantity as per health expert advice. The alcohol and red wine have certain substances known as antioxidants which are very helpful to prevent coronary artery disease which are responsible for Heart Attacks.

Red wine and its benefits to prevent heart problem is still subject matter of study for Health expert but Red wine is rich in antioxidants that helpful in increasing levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) which is also known as good cholesterol and it resist against cholesterol buildup in body.

If you have a family history of alcohol use disorder then do not start consuming red wine for heart health benefit because too much consumption of red wine is harmful for your body but if you already consume a glass of red wine with your evening meal will be good and drinking it in moderation may improve your heart health.

Benefits of Red wine are as follow-:

  • Red wine helps in increasing HDL cholesterol also known as good cholesterol.
  • Red wine  helps in Reduces the formation of blood clots
  • Red wine Helps in prevent artery damage by LDL cholesterol also known as bad cholesterol.
  • Red wine may improve the function of the layer of cells that line the blood vessels

It is found that in study by Health expert that Red wine are rich in antioxidants known as polyphenols which protect the lining of blood vessels in the heart. A polyphenol called resveratrol is one of the substance in red wine that have heart health benefits. Resveratrol stop damaging of blood vessels, reduce low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol known as bad cholesterol and prevent blood clots in body. Health expert are doing more research on resveratrol to determine if resveratrol lowers the risk of inflammation and blood clotting.

Red wine are made from grapes and grapes skin are rich in resveratrol therefore red wine is fermented with grape skins as compared to white wine. If you cannot consume red wine due to some reason may be family or religious restriction then simply eating grapes will be other way to get resveratrol for heart health. Other source of resveratrol are Peanuts, blueberries and cranberries etc.

There are many supplement of resveratrol available in market but it is found that in study body can’t absorb resveratrol in form of supplements better to consume in original form especially grapes. Almost all type of alcohol are good for Heart but not as beneficial as red wine. It is found that in study almost all type of Alcohol  are good for heart health but consume it responsibly and in limit recommended by health expert.

As Red wine is helpful to prevent heart disease but avoid drinking red wine if you are a pregnant women, family history of alcohol disorder, liver or pancreas disease, weak heart or have heart failure. It is recommended from our end that if you have question ask the health expert.

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