Healthy Lifestyle tips for Improved Heart Health

Healthy Lifestyle tips for Improved Heart Health

Heart Disease is one of the fastest growing disease in today’s information technology era. The latest study shows that in India highest number of coronary syndrome and ST-elevation myocardial infarction and this situation is same in United States where Heart disease are major reason of death. It is major concern for whole world with changes in life style we can easily improve our heart health.

Good heart health is key factor for long life. Heart health can be improved naturally even heart have very complex function. There are many ways to improve your Heart health but the best way is to improve your life style.  

Healthy Lifestyle tips for Improved Heart Health-:

  • Consuming sugar have lots of disadvantages one of them is if you consume lots of added sugar you may have headache, inflammation and low energy level. If you cut sugar consumption it will boost your energy level and improve your ability of focus. Refined sugars Increases chances of obesity, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease. 
  • Rice bran oil are rich in antioxidants and when Rice bran oil added in cooking it reduce bad cholesterol. Olive oil also helpful for heart health it help to lower the blood pressure and lower the risk of heart attack.
  • As already discussed importance of Omega 3 Fatty acid for Heart Health. Include nuts in either dinner or lunch. If possible include walnut because it is very rich in omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Try to salt intake because it contain Sodium can rise blood pressure level.
  • Avoid taking stress either it is your Job or family because Stress is also responsible for heart disease. Also do not smoke while in stress because it can increase your risk of a variety of heart problems Stress increases the blood pressure, heart rate and the hormone cortisol. Best way to reduce stress is go for cycling, listening the music and taking short break while working.
  • Consumption of a glass of alcohol is good for health especially Red wine. Keep Alcohol consumption limited to the one glass as more alcohol consumption can cause high blood pressure.
  • While purchasing food read carefully amount of trans-fats in food item, sodium and hidden sugar.
  • If possible replace coffee and tea with cayenne tea because it is very helpful in improving blood circulation and heart health.
  • Daily exercise is the best way to improve your heart health. It helps to lower down blood pressure level and at same time improve cholesterol. Obesity is major cause of heart problem control it with proper diet and exercise.
  • Daily do weight loosing exercise it will help to builds mass and endurance of your body.
  • Try to improve your blood pressure level and cholesterol levels with balanced diet also take medicine if necessary.
  • Try to cut down sugar consumption because Diabetes can cause major problems with the Heart working system blocking blood vessels and accelerating atherosclerosis.

Above are few healthy lifestyle tips that you can implement to your life to keep your Heart Healthy and Fit. A simple life style will not only improve your health but also improve your mental health.

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