How does Nuts Improve Heart Health ?

How does Nuts Improve Heart Health ?

All of us in our life must have heard at least for once that eating good fat can restore heart health. But how far do we know about the rich sources of such good fats? Well, nuts can be a source of good fat for the heart. Walnuts, almonds, and various other types of nuts can help balance the body’s lipid profile and thus keep your heart healthy, active,, and happier for a long time.

Nuts are packed with the goodness of unsaturated fatty acids that are extremely good for your heart and the entire body’s cardiovascular system. But there is much more to know about nuts before making them a part of your balanced diet.

Many research studies have depicted that nuts can help people stay away from heart attacks. The incidence of cardiovascular diseases is lesser in people who have limited portions of nuts as a part of their daily diet. Nuts are easy to much on, widely available, and even easier to pack. They can be your morning snack, an ideal mid-day tiffin, or maybe an evening snack salad.

Amazing Benefits Of Nuts For Heart Health

What is it in the nuts that makes them such a dear friend of your heart? Let us explore:

  • We are aware that we harbor two types of cholesterol in our body: LDL or Low-Density Lipoprotein, which is also termed bad cholesterol, and HDL or High-Density Lipoprotein, which is also termed Good cholesterol. Nuts regulate the triglyceride level of the body and prevent the build-up of bad cholesterol in the body. Thus cholesterol build-up in arteries (atherosclerosis) is prevented.
  • The prevention of plaque build-up in the heart’s arteries keeps the vascular lining of the body safe. Thus, nuts are great for your blood vessels.
  • Nuts have numerous helpful biochemicals and components that are particularly useful to prevent inflammation in the body. Inflammations can be dangerous to the heart. Thus, nuts keep the heart healthy by minimizing inflammation.
  • The formation of blood clots is one of the primary reasons for heart attack and sudden heart seizures. Intake of nuts can help the clot disbursement within the blood vessels, thus keeping the heart away from the risk of attacks and strokes.

Healthy Components of the Nuts

We have been talking a lot about how nuts are helpful to the heart. Now, let us look at nuts’ significant components that make them beneficial.

  • Unsaturated Fats: The good fat content of nuts is entirely made of unsaturated fats
  • Plant Sterols: Naturally occurring plant sterols are immensely beneficial for regulating the triglyceride level of the body.
  • L-Arginine: Great ingredient to enhance the muscular flexibility of the heart
  • Omega -3 Fatty Acids: The best type of naturally occurring fat that makes your heart and blood vessels healthier and prevents heart arrhythmia incidences.
  • Vitamin E: Prevents plaque build-up in arteries, thus keeping away from arteriosclerosis, atherosclerosis, and other diseases.

So, when will you make nuts an imperative portion of your everyday diet?

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