Early Morning Habits for a Healthy Heart

Early Morning Habits for a Healthy Heart

Morning shows the day. Yes, how you start your day decides how well the rest of your day will proceed. Our mornings are not only crucial for planning out the day’s tasks, but it is also imperative to med your health. Early morning is that crucial time of the day when you are fresh, energetic, and boosted up. So you can direct all this energy into a proper fitness regime that will make you the owner of a happy and healthy heart. So, let us have a look at some easy lifestyle changes that you can bring about to make the mornings healthier than ever for your heart:

Waking Up at Proper Time

It is not because you have tons of emails to be checked and a gigantic to-do list to address that should make you wake early. But it is because your biological clock or circadian rhythm has been programmed to respond to sunlight at the earliest. Unfortunately, the instinct that has been waking human beings up from their night-long sleep is sunlight. The sun out means it is also time for you to get out of bed. The actual reason adults often advise waking up early is a bit more scientific than even they are aware of. For example, the body’s hormonal levels fluctuate according to the body’s circadian rhythm or biological clock. So, waking up earlier gets all your cortical hormones to function correctly and thus helps your heart to adapt to the active mode from the resting mode.

First Meal of the Day

Start your day with a glass of water. Apart from keeping your body hydrated, water will also keep the body’s fluid balance in check, which is essential for multiple reasons. The core reason that also affects heart health is: proper water balance of the body will maintain the ionic balance of the body fluid that is crucial for heart health.

The first meal of the day should not be some processed food. Instead, say a big NO to the cheeseburgers and ham sandwiches as breakfast. Switch over to healthy alternatives. You can include green veggies and a bit of nuts and seeds that will improve the body’s cholesterol balance – extremely necessary for good heart health. There is no need for any fancy food – just choose healthy, unadulterated food for breakfast – preferably home-cooked.


This may sound a bit weird. But yes, when you start the day with some time dedicated to deep breathing and meditation, it positively impacts your heart. As already mentioned, the heart will switch over from the resting mode (it has been in throughout the night’s sleep) to a playful way. The heart and the circulatory system need some time for this transition, and meditation is precisely when you are giving your heart this time. So, it is to rest, pause and give your body the time and energy it needs for the day.

So, which out of these habits are you going to imbibe from tomorrow onwards for a healthy, happy and active heart?

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